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Shipping costs

We attach great importance to a safe delivery of your products.

Therefore, we only send insured packages with DHL.

Immediately after your package has been shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking link to track your package online.

Country Price Free shipping Duration in working days
EUR 5.90
From EUR 160 1-3
Other EU countries EUR 13.90 From EUR 180.-- 4-6
Rest of Europe and GB EUR 22.90 From EUR 220.-- 5-7
Rest of the world EUR 29.90 6-15

Important information for deliveries to non-EU countries: When shipping to non-EU countries, additional taxes or costs (e.g. customs duties) may be incurred as part of your order, which will not be paid by us or invoiced by us, but must be paid by you directly to the relevant customs or tax authorities. For details, please contact the relevant authorities.